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Mortgage advice in London for sitting tenants looking at buying a property from their current landlord and the benefits that come with it.
If you want to boil it down to the basic steps, here is what you need to do to make an offer on a property in London.
Looking at how long an agreement in principle will last & the benefits of having one as a first time buyer in London or home mover in London.
Can I get a mortgage with a CCJ? Here we cover what is a CCJ, can you get a mortgage with a CCJ in Manchester and can you dispute it?
Are you eligible for a Shared Ownership Mortgage in London? What are the pros and cons of having a Shared Ownership Mortgage in London?
A look at the government Forces Help to Buy Scheme, designed to help qualifying forces personnel to purchase their very own home in London.
Looking at why lenders need to see my gambling transactions and what they will be checking for, ahead of granting me a mortgage.
Helping you determine the best survey for the property that you are looking at purchasing
As you head towards the end of your mortgage process, your mortgage advisor will go over something called a "mortgage illustration".
Speak to an Advisor – It’s free! 7 Days a Week, 8am – 10pm